
Culture Mile - Placemaking Graphics at West Smithfield Street, City of London

A culturally rich environment to support creative industries and local businesses to thrive.

Culture Mile is a decade long project led by the City of London Corporation who are transforming the north west part of the City of London. The overarching aim of the project is to improve the public space and engage audiences with outdoor cultural programming and events.

A key part of the project is to create safer pedestrian movement. We worked with designer Richard Wolfstrome to realise his graphic interpretation for the newly designated pedestrian zone at West Smithfield Street, Farringdon.

Large planters adorned with bold graphics are placed in the street to block vehicles and define the area for pedestrians.

A 24 square metre geometric pattern is heat bonded to the tarmac. This graphic zone again encourages visitors into the street. The pattern is created by hand using laser cut stencil.

The welcoming zone gives local cafe and restaurant owners to serve customers outside allowing more space for social distancing.

Project/ Culture Mile
Client/ City of London Corporation
Concept & Design/ Richard Wolfströme
Location/ West Smithfield Street, London

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